Wednesday, August 9, 2023

AI tools for Job Interview Preparation


 (Photo source:

Chat GPT, Google Bard, Perplexity : these are all AI tool. These can be used as search tool or writing tool. It is just phenomenal to use them. It saves your time and above all, it makes you wiser. While preparing for written exam or interview, we just feel that somebody should be with us to help us prepare. Now, you can use the AI tools.  

Many a time, we spend a lot of time while searching a specific answer for a specific given condition for a problem. Google search directs you to various blogs or platforms which has closest resemblance. It does not give you the exact answer. On the other hand, the AI tool works as the coach who understands the problem and knows what to do. It saves a lot of time. While preparing notes on any topic, I often have many queries. 

Previously, I did not have privilege. Sometimes, I find my answer in some blogs and many a time, I never find anything. I tend to guess probable answer. Then, it would take more time to finally reach at a correct answer. However, this problem is now sorted by the AI tools.

In case of technical interview, one can use the AI tools. You ask a question related to the topic or you can ask for probable technical questions for the topic. Then, you can ask follow up questions for better understanding. In olden times, you needed a personal coach for that. Now, you have the power in your fingertips.

My suggestion regarding job interview preparation is to ask the probable questions with answers. Then, practice them using Feyman’s technique where you study the answers related to the questions and try to explain in your own words before someone or you can record your response in mobile. When, you do that you can remember it for a long time because explaining requires deep knowledge. Once you do it , it stays in your mind. If you are preparing for written test you can ask for MCQs.

If you like the post you can read or gift the author's books “B.Tech Guide Book" & "Campus Placement Guidebook" available worldwide in Amazon in Kindle format. These book will help you strategize your life. You will find many important things which are not discussed anywhere. Click in the link below.



B.Tech Guidebook (Click)

 Campus Placement Guidebook(click)


Our posts

1. Family support: Overestimate by students 


2. Knowledge trumps


4. People may not like you all the time


5. Retirement Extended


6. Financial stress


7. No one is thinking about you


8.  Expectation & over expectation


9. Two people, two lessons regarding interviews 


11. Strategy to Write a Paper during PhD:10 


12. Collaboration during PhD to Write a Research Paper:11


13. Anger Management 


14. Value addition 


15. Accept your reality ( 

16. A few observations regarding AI


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Companies do not support R & D activities


Earning in India is difficult. No doubt as per GOI, if any one earns more than 25 thousand per months is considered rich in India which is 10% of total population. Now, see this is 2023 and we are to hear this. I did not want to believe it. I started to see people around me. Then, I found this is true. In India, it is difficult to do business. Last year, we were doing a consultancy project. The project was completed on time and the company wanted to give a new project. Last time when we quoted the expenses for the project, we were doing it at a loss for having an experience (That was our Jio offer). This time we needed to cover our expenses and needed to earn something as we were investing our time for studies and weekends for field visits.  They just ditched us and stopped approaching us. Looking at the company of such a size doing business for considerable time, we were surprised to see their unwillingness pay the bare minimum for traveling and other overheads. We too stopped communicating. This instance has taught me two lessons.
(1) It is difficult to earn and do business in India.
(2) Companies do not support R & D activities.
As companies do not do R & D activities, they run it with conventional wisdom and lacks competitive advantage. That is why when profit margin goes down, they run away by selling their stake to someone. Above all, I was so surprised that the highly trained MBA people running the show in the company were unable to spot it. 
You can read B.Tech Guide Book & Campus Placement Guide Book by the author to support the blog

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Hunger is needed!!!!


This is the entrance exam season in India. You have NEET, JEE, CAT, MAT etc. Students in large number appear in the exams. When I see the results in newspapers, it is evident that students from middle class and poor families are doing great in large numbers. On the other hand, students from well off families doing very poorly. Some of the parents are in very high posts and their children are not able to perform at all. This is not like that there is no guidance from parents, it is the hunger that is lacking in them. The affluence and privileges make people soft. Hunger to be the best is much needed in every field. Once you become complacent with your current situation, you cannot grow more. If you do not grow, you will be trampled by this ruthless world.  
You can read Madhurjya Saikia, the author's book to support the blog. 

Health is wealth for students

   (Photo   Nowadays, when I look around, most of the students are either obese or have some kind of health issues. ...