Showing posts with label Networking through Alumni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking through Alumni. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Networking through Alumni



We always underestimate the power of alumni. Well-established institutions have a well-connected alumni network. Recently, I went to the Diamond Jubilee celebration of Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat, Assam. I could see alumni coming to the program as old as 70 years. They had an excellent time bonding with their classmates and budding engineers of younger generations. If we look superficially, it does not mean anything. It was just a bunch of former students visiting college and having a good time. It is not so. These people used to or  are currently holding senior positions in different organizations. They can change even the Government’s attitude towards the college and students. For example, there are specific rules troubling students. It can be changed overnight by a simple phone call. There is no need for any agitation whatsoever. They hold such soft power.


Moreover, if somebody is starting up, he would need all the help from various people. People across multiple government agencies can help by easing the process, and people from private organizations by giving the business. Everything is connected. You have to remain connected to all. Now a day, it is difficult to move alone. You will need the support of people at various stages of life. Therefore, networking with alumni is essential during the budding days. Generally, students underestimate its power. One should remember that if you do not engage and listen to others, nobody will care anyway. The loss is maximum for the budding ones.  

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