Showing posts with label Taking the right path!!!. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taking the right path!!!. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Taking the right path!!!


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I was talking with one of my colleagues regarding the current state of students’ performance in our department. Sometimes you may not be happy with what you are taught in college. You see the uselessness of the course and are pessimistic about everything; it is not correct, and that is not ok. There is no scope. This type of feeling comes to everyone’s mind, but it is not that bad. In our days also, we saw no prospects or hope. Even though we kept on pursuing our cause because it was what we signed for. We lined up in the long queue to take the course. At last, it turned out to be ok. At least we are on a good path.  

We often see such types of negativity emanating from our very friends. “Sometimes we perceive them to be .”In such a situation, we must look into their actions to see whether they have let down their guard. On the contrary, you will see the opposite. They would pass with flying colors and grab the best opportunity. Those talks are just mere time-killing “funda .”Many people use such type of tactics to lessen competition. You will meet so many people in life with different intentions. In my life, I have seen so many such friendships. After all, you must stay put in your course and reach your final destination. 

Many people will say, “There is no job .”There is a job for those who are competent. Once, I was watching a video of a Ted talk by Asneer Grover of Bharat Pe. He says that there is 150 crore in India, but there are only 1.5 crore competent. If I think it deeply, this is right to some extent. Many of us still lack communication skills, IT skills, leadership qualities, etc., besides our technical skills. To speak of technical skills, we have to ask ourselves whether we can give an idea about anything whenever someone asks us. We cannot. So, we must justify ourselves to be called experts in our field. You may not think of the expert. But, people surrounding you will perceive you that way. Once, I went to a doctor in Govt dispensary. He was writing slips to a patient and reading simultaneously for the PG. When I asked about some medicine, he was not sure and called his friends. They were also not sure. Now, you see, the respect goes down immediately. You are not clear about your basics and aiming for the higher ones. Can you crack it? He may be, but I think he certainly cannot. The same thing applies to us also. People see us from that perspective. 

Now, there are opportunities, but not for everyone. You might have seen the Government declaring a package of 1000 crore for job creation. Does it mean everyone with a degree in the state will get a job? No, it does not happen like this, and one should not expect it at all. Opportunity for everyone does not mean that you may be among chosen ones. The competent ones will get the jobs. We have to make ourselves capable. 

Therefore, we need to stay focused and do whatever is required. There is a concept called the “law of attraction .”When you think I would like to achieve this, you will start putting effort in that direction and finally complete it. It happens to all and will happen to you, also. Everyone you see has put a lot of effort into being in that position, even a Chaiwala coming out of the slum to rise above poverty. You see it in your house also; your parents have worked incessantly to keep the household afloat. Read also

Doyou put your future in other hands?

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