Showing posts with label higher education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label higher education. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

How to choose a field for higher education?


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Higher education has become very tough these days. You must clear GATE for M.Tech & CAT for MBA as an engineering graduate. So, many people clear these exams during their engineering degree. Many are not that lucky. They have to go to some institute for coaching. Generally, they take either IES coaching or GATE coaching in some reputed institutes for one or two years. If the preparation is good enough, students clear in one or two attempts. The actual game starts from here onwards. The world is changing. So, your field is also evolving at a rapid pace. It is embracing new things. Therefore, looking for trending topics in your relevant area is crucial. You have to choose very wisely. Otherwise, you will be stuck to things that no one wants. Embracing a new field has certain advantages, such as fewer competitors and a great chance of moving ahead. On the contrary, the growth will be slow in the matured areas. Moreover, you have to compete with a lot of people and above all the wages will be meager as many people will stand in the queue to replace you.


During our college days, we did not have that awareness and got away. Many of my juniors, who were far more talented than me, were stuck. Therefore, it is essential to look for emerging trends in your field. For that matter, it is advisable to deliberate with experienced persons to gauge a specific area. Generally, experienced people do not lie and always have a word of advice. Many people make the mistake that they tend to take the same domain as their friends are taking. It is very dangerous. It may be suitable for the person but not for you.  

You can read B.Tech Guide Book & Campus Placement Guide Book by the author to support the blog


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