Sunday, June 28, 2020

Preparing for Off Campus?

Campus life is good. Getting a job on campus is a little bit difficult considering very competitive classmates. Getting an off-campus job is like scaling a steep mountain. It demands certain strength in your body and mental build-up. But it is not impossible. Once you have attained this certain preparedness, you can easily move ahead in life. Thousands have done it. Suppose, you are not able to secure a job even after campus, what you should do in such a case. There are certain things, you must do even you do not like it. I am listing out the steps.

1. Make a good resume. A resume is a must for you. Many people make an average resume. You need to give some time in this regard. You can take the help of a professional body which will help you to make you according to your requirement. You can take the help of the online platform also. Whatever you write on the resume, you take good care that you know the things. Many of us have a bad habit of copying others. Some sites are

2. Open accounts on Linkedin. In many companies, companies like to recruit people to have a reference. In that case, you connect with people through Linkedin, Facebook, or any social media. You can ask for reference and apply. Sometimes, you can ask for references from your seniors in companies. For that matter alumni association and alumni meet is very important for bonding.

3. Now, for off campus drive, you can check very frequently. The site lists off-campus and Government jobs available throughout India. You check the advertisement and apply it accordingly.

4. One another way is to register professional sites such as,,, etc. You can take paid membership in those sites for better job listings. You can upload a resume on these sites. You can get job listings daily. Never fall for offline job agencies who charge money. These are dubious agencies and they won’t give you any benefit.

5.  You need to be smart. Off-campus recruitments are fast. You need to be smart and knowledgeable at the same time. First, clear your concepts. You need to answer fluently in English. So practice well. You have to leave a lasting appearance on them. For interviews, you need to practice many fronts; technical and HR. For that matter buy a book which helps to clear interview questions or you can depend to some extend our booklet by ME DUIET. There are many such books. For mechanical engineering, I am giving some links here. There is no short cut. Invest some time and money on such books. It will help. Please do not be cheap in this regard.  For HR questions we have our booklet or you can go to any site if you like for knowledge. Practicing mock interviews among friends will help immensely. Make a group of like-minded people and practice without wasting time socializing without purpose gossiping.

6. You need to know what the companies which frequently organize off-campus recruitment are. These are    Zoho, HP, TCS, Cognizant, IBM, HCL, CTS, WIPRO, Infosys, Accenture, Tech Mahindra, Motorola, Quinnox, Unisys, Microsoft, Emphasis, Polaris, Virtusa, etc. For these drives, practice their interview test available in various online sites. Solve them. You have to have some knowledge of some languages like C and Python. Learn them in your leisure time. These are not that difficult. You have to invest some time here. Once you get a job you can change easily according to your liking by producing an experience certificate. You can also appear for very few off-campus jobs by Government entities. You can go to employment gazette notification published by the Government of India. There you can find Govt of India related jobs in various Govt owned companies. Many Government agencies now a day recruit through GATE such as ONGC, GAIL, etc. Still, you can apply for many. You can also prepare yourself for GATE or IES. When you prepare for these, you crack state-own companies or organizations. You can register for a good gate coaching institute or IES coaching institute. Coaching takes one to two years to complete. In the meantime, you practice for your interview skills for off-campus recruitment.

7. Preparing interview questions is the key to success. In different online portals, people share their experiences and question and answers. You read these experiences and prepare your questions from books. Do not depend on their responses. They may answer wrong. Go to books and search for answers to particular questions. You maintain a copy for these and revise time to time. You will see that you have covered so many topics. The larger the topics you cover, the higher the chances of becoming o successful in the interview.  

8. Our booklets for interviews are here

(a) HR questions

(b) Interview questions

(c) Group Discussions updated to 2019

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