Sunday, August 30, 2020

Mending your Communication Skills in College for Job Interviews (Sunday Series)


Sujith Kumar is the head of HR in Infosys, India. He goes for recruiting in engineering campuses. He stresses that the students should be proficient in soft skills. He mentioned an incident in the Pondicherry university recruitment drive. While interviewing the topper from Pondicherry University, he noticed that the topper with 96% cannot communicate in English. He answered in yes or no only. He could not recruit him. The placement officer charged Sujith Kumar that why he did not recruit the topper. Sujith told the TPO that when he had asked the topper to go ahead with the answer, the boy went out of the room and had to send for him by the peon. Then, he asked why he had left without answering the questions. He said, “Sir, you said go”. He did not understand the difference between go ahead and go. You can check the story in his videos.

There are two types of communication skills. One is required to communicate your thoughts, and the other is necessary to maintain healthy communication in workplaces and society.  While studying in colleges, we are concerned with the first one only. The second one will be required when you get older.

For excellent communication, you have to have good command over the spoken aspect of the English language. In India, students are taught in the mother tongue. Though they read and write English well, they cannot speak fluently. The reason is the non-practice in schools and society while communicating. Hence, this aspect never grows in us. Suddenly, you are asked to express your thoughts and communicate in English in colleges and interviews. You fail to deliver. There is always a way when there is a will. I have gone through websites and videos regarding practical communication skills. I have collected the information and writing in summary form to help you.

Now, let’s get down to the business of practical communication skills. There are specific steps which one should follow religiously. These are given below.

(1) Listen: We learn a language by listening. So, we need to hear more. You watch the news, cricket, commentary, or listen to audiobooks & radio etc. to improve English. This will help you to pronounce better too.

(2) Read: When you read, your vocabulary gets improved. Additionally, your general knowledge increases. Therefore, you have an idea regarding every topic. Most of the time, we cannot say anything because we do not know about the issue. We feel less confident and hesitate to speak. But reading fills that void by making you self confidant to take on anything or everything that comes in the way. One should read editorials of reputed newspapers and magazines of one’s interest to develop the habit. Initially, you will stumble upon new words in every sentence. Slowly, this will get reduced and read without seeing a dictionary. Your vocabulary will be impressive by your surprise. 

(3) Speak:  Once you have developed the habits of listening and reading, we need to focus on the speaking aspect of the problem.  Generally, we do not get opportunity to speak English. That is why spoken English is rusty. You have to take any chance to talk in English. Initially, it may be in broken sentences, but later on, it will improve immensely upon practice. Furthermore, one can take a topic in day to day life and try to express it in English at home by recording his voice over phones. This helps. Now a day, there are online apps and sites which helps you in this regard.The main point is practice and practice. Do whatever suits you.

(4) Observe: One can learn by observing too. When I travelled to Shanghai in 2019, I used Google translate and used to communicate in the Chinese language. In a few days, I picked a few sentences and could go market to buy things by using those small sentences. They always greeted my wife and me with a smile as we tried to speak in their language and still got discounts on items. To learn the language, you need to observe it and repeat it shamelessly. Do not worry. Nobody is going to care much. If somebody laughs at you, let it be. The next day will be yours. You will be better prepared.

These are necessary steps. There are no short cuts. But I would like to tell one thing. One can express better something when he or she understands that thing completely. Most of the time, we cannot express our thought not because of a lack of speaking power but because of understanding deficiency. Always try to understand things wholly to communicate it better. Most of the time, I feel that I can better explain something which I have encountered already. This keeps people interested and hooked to your talk.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Role of Training Placement Cell in Your Engineering Life (T & P Series on Wednesdays : 01)


When you are pursuing a professional degree like B.Tech, MBA etc, you will definitely set foot on training and placement cell of that institute. Training and placement cell is an essential part of the institute. In most of the institutes, it is headed by faculty members and in some institutes officials having MBA as background may be running the cell. The ultimate motto of the cell is to get the students placed. There are certain activities which a placement cells perform on daily basis. These are

(1) Database maintenance

(2) Industry contracts maintenance for tours

(3) Profile maintenance of target companies

(4) Brings speakers from industry

(5) Organize off campus and campus interviews

(6) During placement, the cell briefs on interview process

(7) Trains the students for interviews

(8) Trains students for communication skills.

(9) Prepares brochures for corporate

(10) Prepares presentations for corporate

(11) Creates alliance with industry

If you are having all the above activities done by your placement cell, it is running well and fine. If you are not having anything like that in above mentioned way, you need to ask more. The cell is bound to provide.  

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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Are You Doing Deep Work? (Sunday Best Reads Series)


While searching online, I have stumbled upon a book called ‘Deep Work’. The book sheds light on working style for maximum productivity. There are two types of style; deep work and swallow work. Deep work is something you do without any external interruptions while shallow work is done while multitasking. Suppose you are writing something while listening to a song or doing office jobs while answering phone calls. Deep work is considered to be high-quality work and shallow is low quality as the name itself suggests.

With time, deep work has become rare. A few successful people use this technique for high productivity, such as Bill Gates and J.K Rowling. Bill Gates goes to hermit’s life for a few days in a year for reading and thinking new ideas. J.K. Rowling writes her novels in hotels away from interruptions. In this digital age, our attention span has shortened due to various mobile notification distractions and bad habits of checking social media accounts. When you are working with full concentration and your attention breaks due to some interruptions, you come back to the previous state after 20-30% loss in attention which is known as attention residue. You cannot concentrate wholeheartedly. You work low quality. As per the author, the low-quality swallow work is replaceable. In future, the swallow work will be taken over by robots or artificial intelligence or lowly paid individuals due to overpopulation. Cal Neport says that the coming world will be for extra rich who knows where to invest, people who work with technology and the people who are experts in their field. Now, coming to the third category, one need to do deep work to be an expert in his field. There are a few techniques to do deep work.

(1) Monastic deep work like sages in the Himalayas. This is not possible for all. You have to cut off from social integrations for a period.

(2) Bimodal deep work like J.K. Rowling. She works in the hotel during the day away from any interruptions and comes back in the evening to social life.

(3) Rhythmic deep work is for the people who can keep aside a slot daily for deep work.

(4) Journalistic deep work is for those people who do not follow any routine. If they find the time, they switch off mobile and engage in deep work. 


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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Post M.Tech Days: My Experience ( Sunday Series)


In my previous post titled “M.Tech: What to do & What Not to do!” I talked about my M.Tech days. Those days were the best days at Tezpur University. We were the first boarders of Kanchenjunga Men’s Hostel (KMH). We had excellent bonding among the boarders. In those two years, I had prepared for competitive exams a lot. I used to appear for any kind of SSC exams, UPSC, Bank exams and engineering PSUs. These exams were held in Government schools and colleges. I had visited almost all the government schools and colleges in Tezpur, Jorhat and Guwahati to appear in exams. These were experiences. 

In those days, bank jobs were booming. There was a buzz that the banking sector would expand horizontally for the next ten years. I too prepared wholeheartedly with all CSR and banking books. In the afternoons or weekends, I often tried to solve the problems given in CSR and Protiyogita Kiran. I was among the few regular buyers of these magazines from the bookstall in Tezpur University market. In those days, the students at Tezpur University did not prepare much. At least, I did not see, or I could not see. The exams were held on weekends, and I travelled most of the times to Guwahati either Saturday evening or Sunday morning. Generally, I avoided staying Guwahati mostly and returned the same day evening. I caught the last bus to the university to get back to the hostel. The next morning was as usual. Very few people knew my weekend outings.

In the third semester, my mother got ill and had undergone some surgery back at home. I was called back home. I stayed there for a few days. Then, I remembered that I had applied for SI in BSF. The exam was nearing. I appeared in the exams without much preparation. But, I did exceptionally well in the review. I did enjoy writing the papers that day. I was solving the questions very easily. Well, all went well. My mother was recuperating alight. It was time to go back after 20 days or so. After, a few months later, my father called me that some government call letter had come citing urgent. I forgot everything about the exam. Then, I went home and read the call letter to find out that I cleared that exam. The physical exam was to be held at Ambari, Ghy. It was mentioned the fitness requirement in the letter. I had to pass a running test of 1.5 Km in 5 or 6 mins. In those days, I was fat and physically unfit and running such distance in that time frame was impossible for me. At first, I tried, but it was pretty useless considering the time. I let it go. But, I used to tell everyone that I saw BSF’s website with lots of martyrs and did not feel like going at all. For quite some time, people used to call me SI. Well, that was the end of the armed forces dream. 

The year was 2011. After completion of the final M.Tech seminar, we stayed there for quite some days. Results were declared. Marksheets and certificates were issued. My guide told me to keep up a few more months at the university. He referred my name to a few companies. But, I was reluctant. I wanted to take the first bus out of the Tezpur and try my luck in Guwahati. I stayed home for two weeks and was off to Guwahati for jobs. July month is very crucial. The new jobs were created, keeping in mind of new graduates. I sent my CVs to many engineering institutes. One beautiful morning, I was called by RIST, Meghalaya to appear for the interview. The college is at a hilltop near Jorabat. Communication was difficult. I went there and gave my interview. It was nothing like an interview just friendly banter. The director was an alumnus of JEC. He had a soft corner for the college. The job was on. I worked there for a few weeks. The work environment was pleasant. People were kind and helping. But, I got a call from GIMT, Guwahati. The dean called me immediately. I visited Mr P.C Baruah in office. He directly asked me to leave RIST and join GIMT immediately as classes were on. I wondered for sometimes and left for home. Those times were different; the colleges were coming up like never before. People liked M.Techs as there was a shortage of people. Anyhow, I made my mind to join the institute by the next week. That was the new innings. RIST did not like my decisions and sent letter after letter. But, I was nowhere to be found. GIMT had a rigorous schedule. Weekends were closed. In the meantime, I kept on preparing for exams. 

I happened to apply for the post of Assistant Professor in April or May the same year at Dibrugarh University. They called me to appear for the job in August or September. I took two or three-day leave and went home. My father took me to the Dibrugarh University since I am getting back to Guwahati same day. I took my brother with me also. I appeared in the interview. The interview went well. A few questions were asked, and I answered to the point. The questions were simple as I had already prepared for various jobs. But, I guessed that they were more than happy that I was working in GIMT. They asked about my pay and job details in GIMT. After finishing the interview, we went towards AMC,  in search of an eatery.

Meanwhile, I remember sitting for BHEL exam on Biswakarma Puja the same year. I had friends who offered me a ride to the venue at Guwahati Commerce College. But, I met an accident that day. The bike skidded on the road and we fell on the road. I had some injury on my left elbow. Its blood was coming out. But, time was less. Reaching the venue, I got my injury attended nearby Guwahati Commerce College. I appeared the exam, and the pain distracted me even though I was solving the problems quickly. The elbow took time to get well. It was horrible. The Durga Puja was nearing. I got a call from home mentioning a calling letter to appear for BHEL in Delhi. In the same time, my friend in Tezpur GIMT called me that I had cleared the interview at the Dibrugarh University and collected the order letter from DU office by hand. I enquired my parents about any kind of such a message. They said no. In the holidays of Puja week in 2011, there was one official day. I travelled to Dibrugarh along with my father. We reached the office and checked for notices regarding recruitment. We could not find it. I wondered whether my friend mistook the result. Then my father went to the establishment office of DU and enquired about it. The head clerk confirmed the finding. It was tense the few minutes whether I was in or out. Then, he pulled out the order copy in my name and approved it. He congratulated me, and we took a photocopy of it. I remember going home as early as possible. I had to finish the course in GIMT before leaving it. I should have joined that day itself, but my conscience did not allow me. I am always thankful to GIMT for nurturing professionalism in me. 

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