Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to sell yourself in Job Interviews? ( Sunday Series with Havard Tips)


Everybody says “You have to sell yourself in the interview”. Have you ever thought about this? But, it is very much required these days while going for interviews. I read extensive materials on this topic online and saw many videos related to the topic. These people say numerous things like you have to be a pro and sell like the greatest salesman in the market. Well, I have not been raised like a salesman so I have to learn tricks of the trade. What do you say? Coming across all the materials online, I have noted some key points which are very much required for a fresher. These are as follows.

(1) Research says 90% communication is non-verbal. This might be right or wrong. But, your verbal and non-verbal communication should be right. Non-verbal communication means your eye contact, body posture, hand movements, confidence, positive vibes, etc. As per the Havard placement officer, it takes only 7 seconds to size you up during an interview. So you have to have a nice impression right from the beginning. One has to be on time for the interview. Furthermore, one needs to ask before entering and sitting. You can shake hands if they extend a hand. You need to sit upright. Proper eye contact during the interview is a must. Otherwise, it will show either you are shy or absent-minded. The voice should be in a falling tone so that you look inviting rather than bossy.

(2) The recruiters are there for recruiting not to help you. The recruiter always looks for the answers to the questions “What is the offering to the company? Or how can he be valuable to the company?” You have to think of a way to answer these questions. You have to prove that you are the right guy and you are indispensable. In such a situation, you can mention your achievement, specifically related to the background of the company. For that, you have to research their background beforehand. You have to showcase your unique selling points like you are the team player, quick learner, leader, etc. While communicating these points, build a nice story around these points. As per marketing, everyone likes a story. When you tell a story, people get hooked to the story. You can take the example of Apple. It has great stories and people with stories attached to it. That is why it has so many fans following.

(3) The research says that if the interviewer likes one in personal level, then there is a greater chance of getting a job. Therefore, one should not underestimate the power of networking through social media. Moreover, one should look for common grounds with the interviewer in any field so that they have a reason to like you. Look for the signs and jump on it. In India, cricket is the conversion starter. This could be a good topic for bonding.  

(4) The last point is practice and practice. One should practice the commonly asked questions in an interview. You should look genuine with your answers. It should not look memorization. It is better to record your videos while preparing. 

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