Tuesday, February 27, 2024

People conceal their intentions


(Photo source: pexels.com)

This is a dog eat dog world. Resources are in short supply and so there is a lot of competition among people. Smart people want to be ahead of the others. They will do things without your knowing and conceal their intentions. People do all kinds of things. There is no problem until and unless it harms somebody. But one should not be too much of a believer of somebody because you mean nothing to them. You should not be disheartened by this revelation. World is always like this and continue so.

In college days, you will find some of your friends that they do not study but whenever result is declared he is no 1. You can’t believe it. You consider him to genius. It is not true. People do put hard work and they do not show you their hard work. You just see their end result and think them genius. Can anybody excel in study without studying?  This is just useless to believe because people conceal their intentions and hide their strategy to lessen their competition.

I have seen people who lie on your face to hide their strategy. Once one person had to go for a talk, he told everybody that he was going for a marriage ceremony.  Look at the irony, he told many versions to many people and the story do not match and finally it is out. However, it not moral of the story, the moral of the story is that people hide their strategy. So, you are being just made a fool. Similarly in college days, your friends will project that they are not able study at all but in exams they will do exceptionally well. If you are not seeing it then who will see it. 

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Or you want to be one step ahead by concealing your intentions for placement

Campus Placement Guide Book

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Why do companies pay less to a fresher?

 (Photo source:pexels.com)

Once, a TV reporter asked this question to an Executive of a leading software company in India. He was speechless and gave some absurd arguments. There are certain things which one cannot speak on a TV platform. He had his limitation.

As per our interactions with various recruiters, the companies which are recruiting students are doing things which are not taught in colleges. Well, colleges can only teach basic to the students since every other company has their niche in a certain field which is not at all possible to impart knowledge going to that deeper level. 

Suppose, some software company is recruiting and it has clients like TESLA, NVIDIA, and MICROSOFT. It is not possible even in advanced colleges to impart that kind of knowledge because they are doing pretty much advanced market oriented stuff. In a college setting, one cannot get such projects at all. If someone is getting, I congratulate him & wish him very success. Therefore, a newly recruited student has to learn again by attending various training programs at the organization. Training costs money. Moreover, they need to give you salary in this period at which the person is not at all productive (or earning any money) for the company. One should keep in mind that these companies are run for profit not to give jobs to people for welfare. This may seem rude but it is a capitalist’s world we are living.  Hence, students coming out from affluent families and upper middle class family find it difficult to adjust because the pocket money is far better for them. The job is not for them. 

But, one should keep in mind that the initial 2-5 years have to be dedicated for learning and gaining experience. As Per Robert Greene, one has to put at least 16000 hrs to attain mastery in any field. For our case let us reduce it to 8000 hrs and start learning without thinking about monetary gains.  Once you gain experience, you can switch your job to another company and ask for higher payment. If you become money minded in initial years, you learn nothing and end up repelling future money making avenues. 

 You have to give time. Keep in mind this proverb “Rome was not built in a day”.   


You can read author's books in links given  below. 

B.Tech Guidebook

Campus Placement Guide Book

Monday, February 12, 2024

Cheating & its perils


One cold morning in this February month of 2024, I was sitting at a photocopy shop. I was getting some prints done at the shop. Then a group of students came to enquire about something. They asked the shopkeeper in a hushed way whether they could get mini photocopies at their shop. The shopkeeper turned them down immediately. It was apparent that they were getting those photocopies for cheating in the exam. This is very common now a day. One student will prepare the note and the whole gang would photocopy it. They are so busy that they cannot do those themselves.

For a few years, students are getting caught doing cheating exams and they get expelled for one year. Their names are shared to all departments for information. Sometimes, parents come and cause havoc at the departments. Then, they were told what to be told and things go by like this all the time.  When, a student gets expelled for a year, it is a great loss to the student because one year is totally wasted. Moreover, his impression gets tarnished at the department. Many a time, it affects the future performance. So, students should refrain from such activities.

When one does cheating and never gets caught, it becomes a bad habit. Slowly, the student becomes overconfident in his skill. Moreover, when you do cheating, you never learn. You have just wasted your time at the college. Later on when you apply for job, you get difficulty because you have learn nothing You had only fun all the time. Then, you have to put more years in coaching to come at par. You grow old as years go by and sometimes, you surpass your age to apply for job. If you see, for a four year engineering course, you have given four more years. It is just waste of time and money. So, you need to control your hunger to get marks without work by cheating. Sometimes, you will score low marks but you will gather concepts which will lessen your time in future. One should keep in mind, one has to gather the knowledge for a certain job, and then only you will clear written and interview round.

You can read author's books to support the blog

Campus Placement Guidebook 

B.Tech Guidebook

Frenemy (Job Series:13)

  (Photo source:pexels.com) You might know about the term called ‘Frenemy’. In our world, everyone is a frenemy to one another. In all offic...