Tuesday, June 30, 2020

B.Tech Life. How to avoid pitfalls in B.Tech!!!!!!!!

B. Tech 1st year is very taxing. We discussed various traps in the first year and how to avoid it with your intelligence and presence of mind. The second, third, and fourth-year are the formative years. During these years, you build your character and personality. Right from the second year, you need to be alert for internships. According to the new rule, you have to do a minimum of four weeks of internships. The internships are hard to get now a day in Assam. A lot of students from various institutes apply for internships. Therefore, it becomes a nasty affair. While applying for internships one should keep various options open for him/her not limiting to one since he /she might not get if they are selected on merit basis. This happens mostly to internships where OIL, ONGC, NRL, etc are involved. Getting into an internship does not mean that somebody will prefer you for a job in that company. It is just training for a few weeks. You learn and make a report. Finally, you submit your report during industrial viva to be held in the 7th semester which bears some credit. So, you should apply through proper channel to the organization where you have the best chance of calling or you will be left without attending any internship. By any means, one should do the internships.

The subjects in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year become very branch centric. You need to go deep into the subjects. There are mostly subjects based on fluid, thermal, manufacturing, design, and nonconventional. Since our college is an associated college with Dibrugarh University, our courses’ syllabus is prepared by our faculty. The college enjoys great freedom of setting up paper and holding of exams according to its wish, unlike the other state governed institutes which are dictated by the state technical university. Therefore, the students enjoy the unique facility of strictly adhering to our classroom taught syllabus. In other institutes, students pass sleepless nights worrying about exams and passing in the exam which is like passing 10th or 12th all the time. Since there is less pressure relating to syllabus and exam, you can engage in other activities to develop yourself rather than contemplating exams all the time. Many people understand this and utilize for development such as participating in technical completions, conferences, workshops, forming entrepreneurship firms, etc. Moreover, the courses taught in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th years are very important for the competitive exam point of view. After B.Tech, you have to appear for various competitive exams, then these subjects will help you if you have studied well. You must make notes in good copies for future use. These will help you immensely. During these years, you will appear countless times in semester exams. It has been observed that the class tests are always taken casually. It is the greatest mistake in life. Consider it seriously. The test bears some marks which will be contributed to the calculation of the final mark. If you lose 5 marks in 5 subjects each then you have lost 25 marks as a whole which could have been a good advantage among your friends. Students become shortsighted and lose the plot of the whole story. You need to be focused all the time.

During these four years, you will be going to various industrial visits. These visits cast light on practical aspects of engineering. So, for a few rupees cheapness, do not avoid these visits. Enjoy the visits as picnics with some knowledge. Apart from that, one should take seriously the laboratories. Laboratories are easy and you can score easily unlike theory marks. One should try to score as much as possible encompassing all the aspects of the laboratory. Be it laboratory copy or laboratory viva. The best way to achieve success in B.Tech is continuity in your studies and perseverance. Study every day for 4 to five hours things that have been taught in the class and revise on weekends. Never wait for two days before each exam. It might possible for ultra-intelligent but it may not suit you. Apart from the courses, one should be aware of campus placemat also. Keep track of campus placement related companies. You have to strengthen your hold on objective english, quantitive, verbal and non-verbal reasoning, interview questions, and group discussions. You can find thousands of sites and books related to these. Read them to prepare. Also, keep your general knowledge up to date. 

(My recommendations for preparing)      

College life is not all the time to study and study. Take part in university week, tech fest, games, conferences, workshop develop yourself squarely and be happy after all.  


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