Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Group Discussion in Job Placement drive: Do's and Don't Do's ( T & P Series on Wednesday: 05)

The written test is followed by group discussion or GD. GD is taken in groups of 7 to 8 persons. The GD is moderated by a judge or panel of judges. The judges chose the best people in the group. Group discussions take place for 30 minutes at the max. Each member is supposed to participate and contribute to the discussion. The topic could be current affairs, subject related, or any topic according to the liking of the examiners. At the end, one person from the group is supposed to summarize the discussion.

Now, you may be wondering how the judges evaluate. They evaluate based on some criteria; (i) content, (ii) communication, (iii) dynamics in the group, and (iv) leadership.

(i) Content: Nobody can beat good content. For that, one has to have a good idea about current affairs that taking place. A good newspaper in English or the local language can keep you apprised of the current issues. The editorial section of the newspaper is always a must-read as this section is dedicated to deep analysis of the matters. When you are an informed person, you can take on anything placed before you in a group discussion. Bring in the points who dare not to think. You score points in research felled arguments which is very interesting to listen to.

(ii) Communication: Communication is the key to group discussion. One needs to put forward his arguments in good English or at least the communication should be intelligible to others. Those who have no good command over the language generally perish during this stage.  So, one should keep in mind a few things like putting forward the points clearly and concisely in simple intelligible English, build on previous speaker’s useful points, and the art of summing up the things.

(iii) Dynamics of the group: Group discussion is a formal discussion which asses your influencing capacity.  Apart from that, it is a test of behaviors also. During the group discussion, he should be

(1) A good listener who can build on others’ points and discusses things patiently.

(2) If you need to disagree at some point, you should do it so politely and state the reason also.

(3) If somebody puts forward a good point, one should be appreciative rather than attacking.

(4) Always try to sum up the things and if you get the opportunity to wrap up the discussion, you sum up the whole discussion in a nice manner.

It is better to keep in mind the following vices during a GD so that we can stay away

(1) Attacking and dominating others

(2) Short temper and losing control

(3)  Disagreement without any logical reason

(4) Irrelevant rants about anything

(5) Ignorance of the topic

(6) Hesitate to participate in GD

(7) Poor in the language of communication

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Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to sell yourself in Job Interviews? ( Sunday Series with Havard Tips)


Everybody says “You have to sell yourself in the interview”. Have you ever thought about this? But, it is very much required these days while going for interviews. I read extensive materials on this topic online and saw many videos related to the topic. These people say numerous things like you have to be a pro and sell like the greatest salesman in the market. Well, I have not been raised like a salesman so I have to learn tricks of the trade. What do you say? Coming across all the materials online, I have noted some key points which are very much required for a fresher. These are as follows.

(1) Research says 90% communication is non-verbal. This might be right or wrong. But, your verbal and non-verbal communication should be right. Non-verbal communication means your eye contact, body posture, hand movements, confidence, positive vibes, etc. As per the Havard placement officer, it takes only 7 seconds to size you up during an interview. So you have to have a nice impression right from the beginning. One has to be on time for the interview. Furthermore, one needs to ask before entering and sitting. You can shake hands if they extend a hand. You need to sit upright. Proper eye contact during the interview is a must. Otherwise, it will show either you are shy or absent-minded. The voice should be in a falling tone so that you look inviting rather than bossy.

(2) The recruiters are there for recruiting not to help you. The recruiter always looks for the answers to the questions “What is the offering to the company? Or how can he be valuable to the company?” You have to think of a way to answer these questions. You have to prove that you are the right guy and you are indispensable. In such a situation, you can mention your achievement, specifically related to the background of the company. For that, you have to research their background beforehand. You have to showcase your unique selling points like you are the team player, quick learner, leader, etc. While communicating these points, build a nice story around these points. As per marketing, everyone likes a story. When you tell a story, people get hooked to the story. You can take the example of Apple. It has great stories and people with stories attached to it. That is why it has so many fans following.

(3) The research says that if the interviewer likes one in personal level, then there is a greater chance of getting a job. Therefore, one should not underestimate the power of networking through social media. Moreover, one should look for common grounds with the interviewer in any field so that they have a reason to like you. Look for the signs and jump on it. In India, cricket is the conversion starter. This could be a good topic for bonding.  

(4) The last point is practice and practice. One should practice the commonly asked questions in an interview. You should look genuine with your answers. It should not look memorization. It is better to record your videos while preparing. 

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Coaching Your Subconcious mind ( Sunday Best Reads)

I have wondered why some people can crack the exam after one another and others struggle. Some people achieve a lot and some people achieve nothing even if he or she gets the same opportunities. These questions are explained by Dr Joseph Murphy in his book called “The Power of Subconscious Mind”. The book was published in 1962. The book has application in our engineering life too. You can draw lessons from the book and apply it practically in your day to day life.

Dr Murphy states that how our subconscious mind can rescue us from a chaotic & problematic life to a healthy and successful one. Our mind works in two ways; conscious and subconscious way. When you make a decision or choose, it is your conscious mind taking shots. The subconscious mind controls activities like breathing, blood circulation, digestion, etc. Whatever the conscious mind believes or choose, the subconscious mind makes it happen in reality. It is like a singer visualizing his song in the subconscious mind before singing in reality. This is called visualization technique. In this technique, you have to believe firmly what you are thinking. It will work wonders. Contrarily, you can pass time lamenting that I cannot do this or that; your subconscious mind will make you a loser eventually. It does not understand the positive or negative thinking. You reap what you have sown.

Auto-suggestion or affirmation is a powerful technique to coach your subconscious mind. Whenever you are going to do something new, you always feel that I cannot do this. People will laugh at me. At that moment, auto-suggestion can be handy. You have to repeat in your mind “I can do this. I have prepared a lot for this”.  It boosts your confidence. We use it a lot knowingly or unknowingly. Many a time, I used it when I was taking the first class in RIST & GIMT and presenting my papers in conferences.

Dr Murphy mentions that the subconscious mind works as per your beliefs, emotions and thoughts. Some people want to be successful, but they do not believe it wholeheartedly. They remain in the same position. The author says “Think good and the goodwill follows”. Therefore, we need to change our mindset.

Our inner will power plays an important role to coach our subconscious mind. If you are struggling with your studies then you are carrying a mindset that suggests you are poor in studies. You have started believing that which needs to be changed at once. You are the reflection of what you think. On the other hand, the ones with ideas and enthusiasm to study will get everything and can clear any exam. Your will power is always there, but you have to reignite it by scrapping your previous mindset.

Dr Murphy mentions that the best autosuggestion is what your mind accepts. Our mind is a reasoning mind. It will not start believing anything [in your context in anything] by just thinking it. Your mind has to accept it. So, instead of you are thinking you are successful; you start by thinking that you are improving every day. He mentions some techniques to coach the subconscious mind. First of all, we need to write down what we need in life (the idea of life).

Then, we have to visualize them each day for at least two minutes a day. We have to believe that we are improving each day. Then things will follow in the right direction. Your path to success starts with your thinking. When you start believing something, you take actions in tandem with your thought which takes for you to the destination.

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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Python in Assamese


Why Python is required?

It is not like that I want to be a computer engineer at this juncture. Computer people will do their best in their field. But, as a mechanical engineer, I have to learn machine learning and artificial intelligence in future. For that, I need to know python. We may like it or not but this is the future. If you know programming from mechanical engineering point of view, you are an asset.  

So, I am recording what I have been practicing at home. You can practice with me. In these videos, while practising, I am speaking in my mother language so that I do not have to divert my brain to speak. You can watch these videos and pick up a few things like a new beginner like me.

Courtesy: Telusko by Navin Reddy

 Download the software from here: Python

1. Simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: Module 1

2. Strings: Module 2 

3. Variables: Module 3 

4. List: Module 4

5. Tuple: Module 5 

6. Set path: Module 6 

7. Datatype: None & Numeric: Module 7 

8. Datatype: List, set, Tuple, String: Module 8

9. Datatype: Range & Dictionary: Module 9  

10. Operators: Arithmetic & Assignment: Module 10  

11. Operators: Unary & Relational: Module 11 

12. Operators: Logical: Module 12 

13. Number system: Module 13 

14. Pycharm Software Download: Here/ Module 14: Use of Pycharm & Swapping of two variables

Note 1:  

People hate you (Job series:03)

    (Photo People hate you when you are having the slightest bit of happiness. I have seen it and experienced it. Once ...