Saturday, February 20, 2021

Telling Your Story in LinkedIn for Job Interview ( T & P Series on Wednesday: 12)

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Networking Importance

The job market is getting tougher with each passing day. Having a conventional approach to a job search may not yield great results. Changing time demands changes in tactics. Every job seeker needs to have a well-defined strategy right from the beginning of the college days. The right strategy should include three-pronged approaches such as establishing a network, developing soft skills & honing hard skills. As the old saying goes “the early bird takes the worm”, this is true in the sense that those who understand the necessity of a well-focused strategy get placed early. On the other hand, those who are late in embracing that face rejection and disappointment quite often.

 Networking is very much essential in the job search. In simple words, networking means connecting relevant people from the field. People underestimate or overlook the power of networking. But, successful people often use networking effectively in every respect. The importance can be understood through a story that I heard somewhere but it sums up everything. There was a person named Mr. John. He was from an Electronics background and wanted a job in that field in a specific firm. That was his dream firm. He started following the top boss of the firm. He used to study company operations, dealings and expansions very carefully. Often, he would go to various seminars & workshops presided over by the top boss of the company. He tried to communicate to the boss by various means such as taking part in discussions during those conferences & workshops. In a way, he was trying to set up a network. After some time, he succeeded to strike a conversation with the boss who had almost become accustomed to him. Later on, he was able to get a reference from the top boss in a local branch. If we carefully analyze this story, we can see the effectiveness of networking. However, this is also the case of targeted networking which can be termed in a lament sense as ‘eye in the pie’ approach. But, it should be always kept in mind that only networking will not fetch anything unless and until you have a solid knowledge base to present yourself as an intelligent individual. For that, you have to invest some serious time in your studies. Otherwise, it looks manipulative and unauthentic.

 Research scholars in prestigious institutes such as IITs understand the potential of networking. They frequently organize seminars, workshops, and conferences and lure the best minds to take part in those events. The goal is to network with like-minded people to share ideas. Of late, most of the scientific studies have gone multidisciplinary like mechanical engineers taking the help of electrical, electronics & computer people and computer engineers taking the help of social sciences & mathematics to gauge the challenges of the modern world. Networking helps forge relationships based on mutual interests. People collaborate through networking and reach the zenith. This is worth mentioning that the research scholars don’t think this in the terms of strategy, it is ingrained in them by the institutes as the muscle memory. Anyhow, it does the job. We can draw an important lesson from these examples that it is very useful.

In my case, I got many benefits by networking with like-minded people. As a teacher, we often need to participate in various events related to the research interests. I get updates continuously through my networks because people like to share these things whenever there is one. Similarly, I too contribute. The same is true in the case of job vacancies also. 

Ways of Networking

Networking could be online and offline mode. Offline is a good old technique used by humans from time immemorial. On the other hand, online networking is relatively new compared to the former. Presently, people prefer the online method because it is convenient. Apart from that, one can connect and engage many people at a time which is not at all possible in the other method.

Back in old days, we used to meet people to build friendships. I maintained the network by calling people frequently. These were normal calls inquiring about their well being. It is worth mentioning that I landed the second job by the following networking religiously. In those days, I was working in an engineering college in Rhi Bhoi, Meghalaya. One day, one of my friends from M.Tech days called me and asked me that if I could come for an interview in his college at Guwahati, Assam. I went there and appeared the interview. During the interview, I could see that they were facing a shortage of faculty. They offered me the post. I assured them to join as early as possible because I had to wrap up things in Meghalaya. Had I not maintained the relationships with those guys, they would not have remembered me and let alone called me. The most important thing is the information regarding any such vacancy and a small reference to push your case. When you have a reference, the employers become relaxed because they know that the person will get along well with the flock without much of a fuss. 

Though online networking by various social media platforms looks artificial & devoid of any emotions, it peculiarly does the job. It has become the new normal of modern time. That is why we see a lot of people going for personal branding these days in social media. For professionals, the best networking site is LinkedIn. This is where you will find the right professionals in your field. Even, hiring managers hang around and check profiles of job seekers before the interviews. Therefore, one should be very serious about his profile image online.

 Telling Your Story on LinkedIn

Now, we come to the main point of the article. Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been using stories as a medium of communication. It helps to transfer the age-old knowledge from one generation to another in an easy way. The stories stay in the minds of the listeners for the whole lives. People draw important lessons from the stories in the time of need.

As the stories are so powerful, one can utilize the power of storytelling to set up a digital image through various social media platforms according to their needs. These stories will be easy to remember and many people may associate with you on emotional grounds also. For example, if you watch television ads, you can see that every ad tells a story. The ads try to stoke your emotions for better delivery of their contents.

For professional seeking jobs, one should consider LinkedIn profile seriously. These profiles are like personal marketing ads. In the case of LinkedIn, you have these various sections while setting up the profile such as intro, about, featured posts, background, work experience, education, license & certification, volunteer experience, skills, accomplishment, additional information, and supported language. If you observe, the sections look similar to that of a resume.

 Introduction or intro

In this section, you get to fill up your name, a headline, or tagline about you, current position, location, and industry. Out of these, one should put tag line or headline carefully because it will be highlighted all the time in your profile. For example, you are a financial intern fresh out of Commerce College, and if someone searches in LinkedIn for financial interns, your tag line should be such that it should be discoverable. Therefore, before putting something in the tagline, you verify your tag line has certain keywords which are searchable by the LinkedIn algorithm. In the rest of the things, there is nothing much to do. 


This section can be used for the personal branding in 2000 words which is more than enough. The section should answer these questions to set up the story.

(1) Who you are?

(2) What is your background?

(3) What do you enjoy?

(4) What does stimulate you?

If you are answering these questions, you have successfully set up a story about yourself. Other important things to be considered in the narrative are searchable keywords, less usage of filler words, and small paragraphs. This narrative should be sharp to the point and should be able to hook up the readers like you are talking to them.   

 Featured Posts

Here, you can show some profile posts that help to push your story. These posts should be well crafted with the questions (discussed in the previous section) with answers in the post. For example, you are an engineering graduate, you can show the world that how passionate you are about a particular engineering problem. You can have your video or image post while engaging with such a problem during your college days.


Background includes sections like work experience, education, license & certification, and volunteer experience. For that matter, you have to keep updating throughout your educational career to fill up these sections because work experience, education, license & certification, and volunteer experience cannot be earned in a day. You have to devote time in this regard. The information should be authentic. Read More:


In the skills section, you are to include hard skills or transferable skills which are measurable. Many people write about soft skills like a team player, good communicator, motivator, etc. in the section which are not at all measurable. However, soft skills will be helpful while appearing in an interview. It can be a deciding factor in interviews with the same caliber of people having the same hard skill sets. Read More: Soft skills & hard skills.


In this section, one can include his or her accomplishment which is relevant to the field.

Additional Information

Many people do not know that one can get recommendations via LinkedIn. This feature helps one to get a recommendation. Recommendation from relevant people does help to get noticed.

Supported Language

If you read and write multiple languages, this is a positive thing. I have seen some people got recruited only for knowing a language. Sometimes, companies have local area-wise expansion plans & targets. 

 If you like the post you can read or gift the author's books “B.Tech Guide Book" & "Campus Placement Guidebook" available worldwide in Amazon in Kindle format. These book will help you strategize your life. You will find many important things which are not discussed anywhere. Click in the link below.



B.Tech Guidebook (Click)

 Campus Placement Guidebook(click)


Our posts

1. Family support: Overestimate by students 


2. Knowledge trumps


4. People may not like you all the time


5. Retirement Extended


6. Financial stress


7. No one is thinking about you


8.  Expectation & over expectation


9. Two people, two lessons regarding interviews 


11. Strategy to Write a Paper during PhD:10 


12. Collaboration during PhD to Write a Research Paper:11


13. Anger Management 


14. Value addition 


15. Accept your reality ( 

16. A few observations regarding AI


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