Monday, November 29, 2021

Avoiding Herd Mentality During College Life (Sunday Binge Reading:02)



Herd mentality means behaving in a particular pattern. Herd mentality has both advantages and disadvantages. In nature, we see some animals live in herds. The herd provides the necessary safety when a predator attacks. You can observe a pack of wild buffalos, which often become dominant over the predators such as tigers & lions. We humans also lived in herds thousands of years ago. As we progressed, we learned to be independent as there is no fear of such vicious imminent predator attack. But, the instinct is still hidden in our subconscious mind. At times, it forces us to remain in the herd because it provides anonymity and escape route from impending responsibility. In modern times, herd mentality rather affects adversely. It hinders humans from becoming a leader. In other words, leadership is looked at as responsibility and hence a liability.
Students in colleges & hostels spend most of their time with friends. If the group has lazy people in it, it influences the whole group. All the people in the group behave more or less the same lazy way because they find solace in their companionship. The group mentality helps the ‘ herd mentality' to be dominant over their decisions in every respect, such as seeking good marks in exams & appearing for competitive exams etc. Sooner or later, they lose their edge, and they enter the vicious circle of dullness. The herd mentality has to be changed. No one can live like that forever. One should make decisions that are in the better interest of himself, not because of others in their social circle.  If you think that something is good for you, you should go ahead. This is called breaking the barrier of herd mentality. Ultimately, these steps will help you be a better leader in the future because you make your own decision.
As a Training & placement coordinator, I have seen so many students having this herd mentality and never coming out. This ultimately hurts them. By the time they realize it, it is almost late. Once you are out of college, you become a lone player. Your past actions will judge you and bad decisions taken as a herd member will haunt you forever. So, make the right choices and never let others control your life.  


If you like the post, grab a copy of the following books by the author available at nominal price or you can read freely in kindle by downloading the app.


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