Saturday, December 4, 2021

Considering Oneself as a Business of One (Sunday Binge Reading:03)



Business is not popular in Assam. People do not have faith in it. There is a trend in the West to consider oneself as a business of one even in the job. By definition of business, we understand that someone is selling something to earn money. We can say that we are trading our services to the employer in return for remuneration in terms of employment. So, an employer would like to recruit a specialist for the job rather than a novice.

The modern world is getting tough day by day. The recent trend in the job market shows that government sector jobs are dwindling in numbers in every sphere. The vacancy for UPSC has come down drastically in the past five years. This is due to the penetration of computers in every sector. Nowadays, an office does not need a room full of people as a simple excel sheet can do a hundred men’s jobs in a split second.  There is no reason to despair. There are plenty of high-paying jobs, but these are for skilled & specialized people. This is the age of skilled people. They can negotiate with the employers for high pay. The recent trends in tech sector companies say that loudly as people switch from one company to another for a better salary. The companies are also coming with attractive propositions like an insurance agent with hundreds of schemes. Therefore, students have to skill themselves with new age technologies in their respective fields. Moreover, the governments are pushing more and more for startups these days. Whether a startup or a job, we are all like a business offering something to someone for money. Nurturing the mentality will help us.


Read B.Tech Guide Book from the Author to support the blog for various knowledge based posts.


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