Wednesday, May 15, 2024

People may not like you all the time


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In my life, I have come to feel that people may not like you all the time even your closer ones. Many a time, a small talk is enough to spill the beans. Somebody may be jealous in everything or anything about you. Liking is always driven by interests, expectation and emotion and sometimes all together. But, as an individual it is not easy to satisfy everyone’s demand. We are humans and so we have limitation. One should not keep unrealistic expectation from anybody because he or she is an individual with their own view and perception regarding the things and the way the things to be done. In Buddhism, it is said that expectation is the root cause of all miseries. So, having an expectation from someone will be a fruitless affair. Even if you are having good intentions, people generally do not conform as per your expectation. People listen and ignore it. That is OK. One needs to respect it and move on. One has to continue like it. Nobody is indebted to you to bow before you.

Now, how will one spot that somebody is having an ill intention? Well, there are many signs which I have observed in people such as the tone & approach will change once you are not in good books. There will be frequent curt marks to vent out their irritation. Many body language experts say that left human eye always gives away someone’s irritation during a conversation. These are some signs to look out for.  If we know something like that is brewing in a conversation, we do not need to be rude and look for a gradual withdrawal. There is a saying “time heals everything”. Once you enter into to conflict, there is no turning back, and it brings a lot of unwanted stress. It becomes very difficult to get back to talking terms in future because days do not go as always. You may need them in future.  

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Campus Placement Guidebook (Book link)


B.Tech Guidebook (Book link)

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