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Advanced Energy Management

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The the examination will be held on 25 April from11.30 A.M to 12.30 P.M. The question paper will be online in this blog at 11.25 A.M. You are to write the answers in a copy or paper. Then, send the jpg or scanned copy of the pages to within the time from 11.30 A.M to 12.30 P.M with roll no and name. Copies will not be checked if submitted after 12.30 P.M.Energy Management
Energy is vital for the development of a country. The prosperity of the country is measured in terms of per capita of energy besides GDP and GNP. In recent times, the world has undergone tremendous industrialization. Due to industrialization, energy resources have been exploited for years. Currently, the world is witnessing the overwhelming problems associated with the overuse of energy resources. The fossil fuel reserves are pushed to the brink of exhaustion. For sustainable development and saving the resources for the future, energy management is the most important. Apart from those environmental implications have pushed for adopting energy management for a better future.
Definition of Energy Management
The use of energy is the key to the development of human society. Managing the use of energy is very important. Since the cost of energy production has become a significant factor, the management of energy resources has become very crucial. Energy management means the management of the energy resources effectively with the minimum incremental cost. Many times it is possible to save energy without introducing fresh technology simply by management techniques.
Energy Conservation and need
Energy conservation is the key to energy management.  It refers to efforts towards reducing energy consumption. Energy conservation can lead to increased financial capital, energy security, environmental quality, etc. Electrical energy conservation can lower per capita energy consumption. This will reduce the requirement of power plants and fossil fuels also. As a result, the emissions from the power plants will reduce which in turn is beneficial to our environment. This helps to fight the problem of climate change also.  
The methodology of Energy management
(1) Identification of inefficient areas or equipment
A. Knowledge of energy used
B. Study of machines or technology used
C. Process study and identify major areas of energy conservation
D. Identify the inefficient use of energy
2. Identification of technology or machines
3. Discussion, brainstorming and conclusion of resource management
4. Management of manpower, machine and technology
5. Evaluate your actions or efforts based on the rate of return
6. Implementation of the new process, new technology or new machines
7. Revaluate your actions
Energy management techniques
(1) Self-knowledge or awareness among masses
(2) Re-engineering and evaluation
(3) Technology upgradations
Self-knowledge or awareness among masses
Generally, people are apprehensive about adopting new energy-efficient technology due to cost considerations. Therefore, the end-users are needed to make aware of the system and clarify any mental blocks. Creating awareness among the end-user is the most economic and low-cost solutions to save energy. For example, we can take conventional incandescent lights which were widely used in India before CFLs and LEDs. Initially, people were apprehensive about adopting energy-efficient CFL bulbs since the conventional ones were available at low cost. As soon as the people became aware of the savings by the CFL bulbs, people started gradually shifted towards it. Now a day, people are shifting towards the more efficient LED bulbs. 
Reengineering and evaluation 
After generating awareness or taking up low-cost initiatives, we need to have an in-depth study of the process or machine. We need to find out various opportunities and extent of energy conservation. For that matter, we evaluate the existing technology in terms of process requirement and production capacity. Once an opportunity is found out, we need to re-evaluate and re-engineering of the machine or the process underemployment. 
Technology upgradations 
After identifying the opportunities in energy conservation, the latest technology in terms of availability, suitability, sustainability and pricing needs to be studied. Economic analysis needs to be done in terms of payback period, the return of investment etc.  
Date: 17 March 2020 
Energy conservation refers to the methods of reduction in energy consumption by way of elimination of wastage and production of efficiency.
Various principles involved are 
(1) Optimal control 
(2) Optimize capacity
(3) Optimize load
(4) Use efficient processes 
(5) Reduce losses
(6) Reduce losses
(7) Energy containment
(8) Examine energy conservation opportunities
(9) Energy storage facilities
There is a wide gap in the supply and demand of power in India and bridging the gap by installing new power station is not going to take place in the near future. The other alternative is to save every watt of energy.
Energy conservation in the domestic sector is a good point to start. Domestic power consumption in India takes about 1/5 th of the total power consumption which is substantially high. The consumption pattern of electrical energy in India domestic sector is as follows.

                                                 Table1: Applications in the domestic sector

% of consumption

A lot of energy can be saved by adopting the latest technology.
Date 18 March 2020 
(1) Lamps 
Indian domestic illumination is totally dominated by the incandescent lamps of varying wattage (40 W/ 60 W/ 80 W/ 100 W). Despite their inefficiency, they are still preferred for the cost considerations. In India, about 80% of domestic lighting is through incandescent lamps. Hence, it is one area that should be concentrated. Now a day, various lights are coming up to replace conventional lights such as CFL, LED etc. The table shows the comparison of available options in the market in place of incandescent lights.

Table2: Comparison of lights Lamp type

P.F. (Power factor)
Power consumption in Watt
Output lumens
Efficiency Lumens/ Watt
Incandescent (100W)
Fluorescent tube lamp, 40 W
Fluorescent tube lamp, with electronic choke, 40 W
CFL, 15 W

Replacement with CFL

Cost of CFL= Rs 100

Cost of Incandescent Light=Rs 15

Difference in cost= Rs 85

Power consumed by Incandescent Light=100 W

Power consumed by CFL= 19.6 W

Saving in power= 80.4 W

Payback period= 3 months

Therefore, when we compared CFL with Incandescent Light, the payback period for CFL is only 3 months. That means the invested money comes back in 3 months. 
........................................................................................................................................................................Date: 23 March 2020 
(2) Fans and regulators 
Fans are very common in households. In India, fans are available from as low as Rs 400 to
Rs 3500. Cheap fans normally use substandard core laminations and aluminium windings. Standard fans are made with quality material but cost two to three times. The power consumption varies from 60 Watts to 100 Watts depending on the quality of the fan. Though electronic regulators are available in the market, the conventional regulators predominant chiefly because they come along with the fan. The user has no choice. Let us take two examples of high-cost fan with an electronic regulator and low-cost fan.

Let us consider, high-cost fan with the electronic regulator, Rs 1650 (say)

Cost of the low-cost fan, Rs 450 (Say)

The difference in cost, Rs 1200

Power consumption of high-cost fan with an electronic regulator

At medium speed, 50 W

Power consumption of the low-cost fan, 90 W

Power savings, 40 W

Payback period, 2.3 years 

Date: 24 March 2020 

A refrigerator is a common appliance in modern households. These are available in various capacities. The most popular model is the single door 165 litres one. Refrigerators are mostly used for preservation of food items. If two separate compartments are provided, there can be good energy savings since the loss of cooling due to door opening. Naturally, defrosting is done only when the deep freezer is completely choked with ice, which hampers the effectiveness thus making a refrigerator inefficient. Another common flaw is insufficient space behind the refrigerator, which deteriorates the heat transfer. Nowadays “no frost” models are available, which are very efficient and consumes less power than the normal models.

Water heaters and solar heaters

Immersion heaters, storage geysers and running water heaters are available in India. Immersion water heaters are the cheapest and are widely used. Solar water heaters are not available in many places because their initial investment cost is very high. These are used in hotels and Government guest house & hotels. Augmenting the geyser with solar water heater greatly reduces the power consumption as solar energy is available for more than 10 months a year. 
 Date: 26 March 2020 
Water pumps 
Many houses are fitted with a 350 W (0.5 HP) 0r 750 W (1 HP) motor depending on pumping needs. Most of the motors are manually controlled. Overflow of the tank is a problem. Automatic water level controllers are not popular in India. An automatic water controller is available at Rs 700-800 range. Suppose an automatic water controller is used. The savings one can generate by installing it is given below. 
Cost of water level controller=Rs 500
Motor rating= 750 W
Energy waste per day at 10 minutes of overflow= 125 WH
Payback period=3.6 yrs
The savings will increase the initial cost of investment. 
Energy Conservation Tips in the Kitchen 
1. Plan before cooking: Avoid idle lighting of gas flame during the preparation of food.
2. Use pressure cooker to save fuel: High-pressure cooking cooks food well and eliminates any kind of bacteria. It also saves fuel for less time is required.
3. Optimum quantity of water: While cooking, use optimum water for dishes. Otherwise, cooking time is extended to evaporate the excess water-consuming fuel.
4. Reduce flame when boiling starts: While boiling water or cooking rice, reduce the gas flame after water gets boiled to save fuel.
5. Soak before cooking: Soak rice, pulses or beans before cooking. It helps in cooking.
6. Shallow, wide vessels save fuel: Shallow and wide vessels transmit heat easily rather than thick vessels. This reduces fuel consumption.
7. Put lid on for heat losses: While cooking we should provide lid on the vessels for reducing heat losses.
8. The small burner saves fuel: A cooking gas stove has a big burner and a small burner. The small burner consumes 6- 10% less gas than the big burner.
9. A clean burner helps saving fuel: Sometimes, the burner holes are blocked. It should be cleaned properly.
10. Clean vessel: The base of the vessel should be cleaned properly for proper heat transfer. The scales at the base should be cleaned at the interval.
11. Allow frozen food to reach room temperature: Sometimes we keep food items in the deep freezer which becomes pretty much ice. We need to bring the food to room temperature so that fuel can be saved by avoiding to heat food.
12. Plan the meal timing: If all the members of the family don’t eat together then the use of insulated vessels should be done to avoid reheating food items.  

Date: 28 March 2020

Energy Conservation Measures in Office

Similar to the energy conservation opportunities and measures applicable in the domestic sector, we can save a substantial amount of electrical energy by adopting simple techniques or measures in the office as well. Most of the energy consumed in the office is in the form of electrical energy for lighting, running AC’s, operating office types of equipment etc. Energy can be saved by optimizing the use of these pieces of equipment and using energy-efficient technologies. Also, the design of office building plays on important role in energy conservation.

(1) Replace incandescent lights with Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) or Light emitting diodes (LED) for desk lamps and overhead lighting. Using CFL can save up to 50% on lighting cost.

(2)  Switch off all unnecessary lights.

(3) Turn off light when you leave at night

(4) Use natural lighting or day lighting

(5) Close or adjust window blinds to block direct sunlight to reduce cooling needs during warm months.

(6) In winter months, open blinds on south-facing windows during the day to allow sunlight to naturally heat your workplace.

(7) Unplug equipments that drain energy when not in use.
(8) Turn off the computer and monitors when not in use.
(9) Turn off photocopier at night or use a one with the lower energy consumption during stand by mode.
(10) HVAC ductwork should be properly insulated.
(11) Insulate water heater, hot piping and tanks to reduce heat loss.
(12) Save paper.
(13) Carpool or use mass transit
 Date: 1 April 2020
Note down the topics. Energy consumption monitoring meters. 
Date: 7 April 2020 

DATE: 16 APRIL 2020
Study and make notes on demand-side management

Date: 24 April 2020

Exam paper
Date : 7 May 2020

Date: 18 May 2020
Make notes on these various mechanical systems. How energy efficincy has been an efeective tool?


Wind Energy

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