Friday, January 5, 2024

Necessity of Applied Engineering


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Engineering in India is still theoretical level. The courses in various engineering programmes are totally theoretical basis. The applied knowledge is not at all taught in many engineering colleges. If you g to engineering colleges, you will find the laboratories are in locked condition throughout the years. This is a common sight in many colleges. Moreover, students also lack inquisitiveness to learn the things practically. After 13 years of experience in the engineering education field , I have hardly seen students’ enthusiasm regarding laboratories and any kind of project work. The projects are just redundant copy paste from youtube videos.  The lack to enthusiasm is not only evident in students, it has sipped into the minds of teaching fraternity also due to the surrounding culture. The problem has magnified over the years. As a result, we are lagging in innovation and innovation led entrepreneurship. The developed countries always innovate and manufacture goods. For the goods, they find the overseas markets and get rich. Indian engineers have to be more practical oriented rather than theoretical based.  In coming years, students have to be more skillful practically. Especially, the engineers have to adapt aggressively.
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