Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Projecting yourself differently

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During colleges, all the students do same kind of studies, projects and internships. There is rarely anything new. In hundreds of vivas, I have observed that some students are something different even though they did projects or internships in groups. They project themselves differently and way of approaching things seems to be more maturer compared to their mates. This makes them stand out and elevates to different level. In interviews also, you will see that other candidates are also with same degrees and even same experience.You have to stand out among the others. So, you are to project yourself differently.
 You can do it every possible way while appearing an interview. While attending a lecture, seminar, workshop or internship, you have to keep your eyes and ears open all the time. One needs to absorb the salient things all the time related to your field of work. Then, only you can shine. Suppose, you have undergone a practical training in a machine shop, you are expected to explain elaborately things you have seen during an interview if you produce a certificate regarding that internship. People ask questions and expects answers because you have done it. If you cannot answer the questions, people perceive you as a casual person. So, one should avoid that impression in all respects. Your preparation regarding each and everything should be up to the mark or you become part of the crowd with no markings.  

 You can read author's books; B.Tech Guidebook and Campus Placement Guidebook to support this blog. Your love and support is crucial to keep us motivated.  

If you like the post you can read or gift the author's books “B.Tech Guide Book" & "Campus Placement Guidebook" available worldwide in Amazon in Kindle format. These book will help you strategize your life. You will find many important things which are not discussed anywhere. Click in the link below.



B.Tech Guidebook (Click)

 Campus Placement Guidebook(click)


Our posts

1. Family support: Overestimate by students 


2. Knowledge trumps


4. People may not like you all the time


5. Retirement Extended


6. Financial stress


7. No one is thinking about you


8.  Expectation & over expectation


9. Two people, two lessons regarding interviews 


11. Strategy to Write a Paper during PhD:10 


12. Collaboration during PhD to Write a Research Paper:11


13. Anger Management 


14. Value addition 


15. Accept your reality ( 

16. A few observations regarding AI




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