Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Do what is in your control



The real is full of chaos. We always try to control the chaos. The sense of controlling gives us happiness. If something does not occur according to our wishes, we get disheartened. We need to embrace this chaos in our lives.

Let’s say, you are preparing for a job test. You are worried about the test questions. In some people, this worrying goes to extreme and they do all kinds of tantrums. I have seen people doing all kinds of drama for not taking the test. One has no control over the questions that may come but he has control over his actions. One can prepare for the test every possible way to feel confident. For any task, you do whatever is in your power and leave the rest to God. Then, you face it like a brave man. This approach will certainly harden you up and help control the nerve during such instances. One can apply this principle everywhere. 

Moreover, we worry too much thinking that what others would say. Others have little time to spare in real life. People generally do not keep thinking about someone all the time because they have a life and have their own responsibilities. If somebody is teasing you, he is doing it either out of jealousy or just gas lighting you.  In that case, you need to ignore him and not let those voices go into your head. Many a time, people give good advices, if that is applicable take it. 

If you like the post, you can read the author's books  B.Tech Guidebook & Campus Guidebook in Kindle format available in  Amazon worldwide. For Indian reader, it is available in and kindle and go directly by clicking the link given below. 

                                                            B.Tech Guidebook (Book link)

                                                Campus Placement Guidebook
(Book link)

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