Friday, April 12, 2024

Knowledge trumps


One day, I was riding on my bike at Dibrugarh town. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind that how the businesses were doing on a busy day in Dibrugarh. I kept on checking out shops and other small business entities. I could see either very less customers or no customers at all. There are lines of similar shops selling more or less selling similar things.  When, I came to Dibrugarh in 2011 to join service, there were a few numbers of shops. The shops number has grown but customers decline. E commerce is also greatly impacting them. Then, I heard that one doctor started his clinic in a busy area and could get only one patient in 6 months. Then, there is a spurt of MBBS students opting for APSC exams in large numbers.   It was not at all common. People are becoming doctors because their parents want them to be and there is no enthusiasm to learn more after the degree. So, business has become a difficult path unlike social media hype of many people doing well in business. The number may be one in thousand !! Some people excel and the most of the people fail. Especially, Assamese society is very service based and handful people have done it big in business. We have no role model. It will take time to learn the tricks of the trade. Therefore, I have understood that common business which everyone is doing will not click and will not fetch good money to live a comfortable life because, I can see common business owners are just living hand to mouth. Furthermore, our society is very price sensitive and there are thousands others to sell the same thing always five rupees less than you!!
USA is number one in the world because it has large businesses earning money for the country but the money is not earned through “jugaad”. The new business ideas are backed by knowledge. The knowledge comes from research and development. The current market disruptor Open AI in AI field is born out of knowledge not by some kind of cheap trick. Similarly, we too have to be knowledge based economy. Businesses should be backed by new research. Then only, one can earn big money and provide jobs. We need to remember “Goddess Laxmi follows the Goddess Swarasati*.”
Special note: As per Indian mythology and belief, Goddes Laxmi is Goddess of wealth and Goddes Swarasati: Goddess of knowledge.
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1.Family support: Overestimate by students (

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