Monday, April 8, 2024

Family support: Overestimate by students



We are attached to our family. It gives us a sense of support at the time of our need. We can fall back to our family in the times of emergency. People understood it clearly during COVID19. However, we should not overestimate it.

During college, family tries to give a comfortable life so that they can continue their studies. To extend that support, family has to work hard. Though it may not be a case for rich people, for people hailing from middle class and poor background, it is a great struggle. During student life, one may not realize it but it is very difficult to earn and make ends meet for these people. Therefore, a student has to understand this. Many a time, students fail to see the plight and family members also do not want to tell their hardships. In such situation, many students have a false notion. They tend to behave like a king for whom the well of wealth will never dry. So, they continue in a relaxed manner. Once, the degree is completed, they suddenly witness the dark reality. The money suddenly vanishes because it gets distributed among the other siblings to continue their studies or the money is saved for future retirement. Now, his  reality is to get a job or start something to earn. Then, the uphill task starts. If you are good natured, you will continue to get pocket money and that will be it. Nobody will give you lakhs of money to start a business even your parents. Frankly speaking, they do not have faith in you because most of the life you have not sold a single pen and business means selling something to someone for profit. Then, you start preparing for a job and you just repent for the wasted times and lazy approach during your college. You just start studying same things again from the scratch. So, one need to be careful during college and should spend time learning skills and honing skills for future so that the transition becomes smooth. 

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