Friday, October 30, 2020

Mirroring Technique to Master for Job Interviews



Interviews are part and parcel of student and professional life. Some people find interviews exceptionally easy while some may find it very difficult to crack. I have already discussed personal interviews in my previous posts titled ‘Personal Interview’ and ‘Howto sell yourself’. In those posts, I touched on various important aspects of the interviews. Today, we are going to discuss one technique that has been used by salespeople while communicating with a customer. This technique has been developed by behavioral scientists or sales gurus over a while. This technique is used by successful candidates knowingly or unknowingly during the interviews. It helps to set up a friendly relationship or rapport with the interviewers.  If you master this technique, you can leave a good impression on the interviewer’s mind. This technique is called mirroring.   


The mirroring technique is actually developed for marketing. As interviews are actually self-marketing for students now a day, this technique can be used for their benefit. In the mirror technique, you start mimicking the interviewer in order to show that you are at the same pace as him. Suppose, you talk fast but your interviewer is a slow careful talker. In that case, you can bring your talking speed to his speed by following the technique. It makes him feel at home. Let us consider another situation where your interviewer is communicating with you on topics such as sports, weather, etc by placing his hands gently on the table. You can too mirror his body language. But, it should be in a subtle manner without offending him. One should also be careful not to overdo things. This may offend him. This requires some practice.  

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