Wednesday, July 21, 2021

What are your strengths? ( T & P series on Wednesdays: 15)



What are your strongest qualities? Has this question ever been posed to you? In an interview, these are the sorts of questions that are asked. We, on the other hand, never try to prepare ahead of time. As soon as these questions are put to us, we begin to ponder. Then we hurriedly rummage through our minds for answers to the questions. And even if we can communicate, it does not appear to be organic. Make a list of one's skills to avoid this situation. At least five entries with a solid backstory should be included in the list. When a story is included, it adds a human element to the presentation. Above all, it should appear authentic.

We will attempt to offer you a list of strengths that can be expressed in interviews in this post. You may select any of them based on your preferences. However, you must tailor these principles to your needs.


1. Quick & Avid Reader

This is a very important quality which can be the greatest strength for somebody in the knowledge business. Now a day, every sector needs quick learners because technology and techniques change at the speed of light. One can stay relevant in a field by learning only. Quick learning does help in it. Moreover, avid learners can bring fresh ideas to the system. This reminds me of an IAS officer of a backward district in Maharastra who was in news. He must have been an avid learner to know in advance that his district might need medicinal oxygen for the next wave of Corona. He made necessary preparation to increase oxygen production in the district through various means. When the whole of India was gasping for oxygen, his district was oxygen reliant and sending to other places for help too.


In your context, you could be somebody who can pick up new technology or software very quickly and implement it effectively. For example, you can cite an example that you have learned the 3D printing or any kind of software. These could be very beneficial for your future career advancement. People like to recruit such persons with such training and exposure because they do not have to spend a dime in training. In my case, I can cite the example of video conferencing apps and video editing software. Video editing software helping me to edit videos at home for educational purposes which I share through various video conferencing apps for not only teaching & learning activities but also organizing conferences & informal meets.


2. Hardworking 

People with patience, perseverance and industrious characteristics have ascended to the highest levels of achievement from the dawn of time. These traits are still important in today's environment, and recruiters would love to hire a hardworking individual. However, merely speaking these words will not suffice. You must have a tale that includes all of these characteristics. We're all patient and industrious individuals. Our lives are filled with fascinating anecdotes of how you rescued the day via hard work and determination. A narrative like this might be delicious to the ears. In my situation, I might consider my time in the department as an NBA coordinator. Apart from AICTE certification, every technical program in India requires NBA accreditation. This is the new standard. However, it has several standards that faculties must adhere to be NBA compliant. It appeared to be an uphill battle at first.


Faculty members were stumped as to where to begin. We started with little things and worked our way up to more complicated ones. I needed to keep folks motivated and reminded to get things done. It just took a year for me to become an NBA compliant. The agenda was pushed for a year through aggressive communication and persuasion. The effort has paid off handsomely. We have a lot of faith in our job.


3. Problem solver

Organizations face a variety of issues regularly. They require individuals who can comprehend and solve problems. Problem solvers or troubleshooters are the terms used to describe these individuals. Because problem solvers are a rare skill, they are constantly in short supply. If you can present yourself as one of the company's issues solvers, you'll be extremely happy to get hired. Problem solvers are a scarce item on the market, yet they sell like hotcakes.

I've participated in several interviews for teaching posts at engineering institutions. People dislike teaching graphic design subjects. During one of these interviews, I was asked whether I might take a first-semester graphics class. After a fast comprehensive reading, I assured them that I was skilled at machine drawing and that I could take graphics. They were pleased. Had I not told them that, they would not have picked up for the job. Therefore, that college had that problem which my candidature solved and the rest was a bonus for them. You have identified this pattern of questions in interviews to score perfectly during the interview.


4. Focus

To accomplish something correctly, you need to be able to concentrate. Shifting attention is a major issue for many people. They are incapable of achieving good outcomes in any endeavor.

You may present this as one of your stronger qualities if you can focus on a subject flawlessly.

However, you must back up your claim with a compelling backstory. In my situation, I can claim that I am capable of focusing on only one subject at a time. I learned video editing online for a few days and began experimenting with it. After some practice, I was able to cope rather effectively.

This came in helpful several other times since many of my friends requested my assistance in this area. I could educate them in the simplest method possible, saving them a lot of time. I was compensated with good wishes and a few tea sessions. In his book ‘Mastery,' Robert Greene claims that anybody can learn anything provided they have the appropriate attention.

He used Leonardo da Vinci as an example. Since his boyhood, Vinci had dedicated his life to sketching and had become the world's finest artist.


5. Planner and executioner

Anything that is planned is already half done. If we organize an event in our home, we will prepare everything ahead of time, reducing the chances of us making a mistake. Your job will be more efficient if you plan. My wedding preparations are still fresh in my mind.

As the only child of the parents, I was responsible for all departments. I was well aware that I would have to accept responsibility. So, I planned. Even though it was difficult labor, I was able to eliminate waste and mismanagement and save a significant amount of money. With that money, I later purchased a lovely present for my parents. Returning to planning, simply planning will not help. It is necessary to be a good plan executor. You will only be given full credit if you can carry out your plans. If you want to portray yourself as a capable planner and executor, you'll need to come up with a compelling tale. How will the interviewers know about it if you don't tell them?


6. Decision-making

You will be in control of both man and material while holding a post. Your decision has the potential to create or ruin a business. In such a stressful circumstance, you must examine everything carefully and decide after carefully considering all factors. Many a time, people hesitate to take a stand and pass the buck. But, one cannot continue this forever. It occurs often in offices. People establish committees after committees with no discernible outcome. It takes thousands of years to make a tiny decision. As a result, someone who can look at things objectively and make a decision in difficult circumstances is a valuable asset. The present Chief Minister of Assam, in my opinion, is a brave administrator who can make big decisions.

 You can read B.Tech Guide Book by Madhurjya Saikia to be aware of Engineering Degree world.


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