Monday, August 9, 2021

What are your weaknesses? ( T & P series on Wednesdays: 16)



We are all humans. We all have weaknesses. However, when questioned about our weaknesses during the interview, we go blank. This happens all the time. The question appears to be easy, yet it may make or break your case. As a newcomer, one must use extreme caution when answering the question. The question is designed to assess your personality. Now, there are certain tricks while addressing the question. These are


(1) Prepare a list of weaknesses

To prevent going blank during the interview, make a list of your weaknesses. Many a time, it is also seen that people mug up the things which they see in a magazine and YouTube videos and then repeat it in an interview like a parrot. This is ineffective since the interviewees are highly experienced professionals. They may readily deduce this from your body language. It is preferable to mention something unique to keep them interested in your pitch. Otherwise, it appears to be a memorized script.


(2) All weaknesses are not worth telling.

We all have weaknesses. However, not all weaknesses are worth mentioning. When discussing your weaknesses, bear in mind that they should not be character-related or unlawful. Many people have poor habits of using numerous sorts of intoxicating substances.  This is certainly bad. Bringing any such thing to the panel during the interview is the worst thing you could do. It will cast a negative light on you. Furthermore, one should avoid being insensitive. For example, you are not at ease dealing with transgender persons. However, you cannot say it out in front of the interview panel since it demonstrates your insensitivity to a particular segment of society. Similarly, in interviews, one should avoid discussing caste and religion. People may have varied preconceptions and biases, and one should avoid venturing into uncharted territory. Because you never know how they will act. 


(3) Briefly describe your weakness

When asked this question, you should briefly describe your weakness to the interviewer, followed by a description of the measures you are taking to remedy the issue. Assume you communicate effectively in a small group but not so well while addressing a huge gathering. You experience stage fear to some level. After revealing your weakness, you must inform them that you are attending lessons to remedy it. You should not forget to highlight the minor victories you have during those lessons.


 (4) Choose your weakness as per the job description

Many times, we become overly honest and voice our minds openly and candidly. Being honest is important, yet there is a job opportunity at stake. So, while selecting a weakness, you need to be a little pickier. Otherwise, it may have a negative impact. If you apply for a management position and represent yourself as a reserved person who is sometimes difficult to gain access to, it will not assist your case. Managers are expected to be leaders, and they cannot afford to be reserved. People should feel at ease working with you. Similarly, if you apply for a teaching post in mechanical engineering at a college, you cannot indicate that you dislike teaching specific courses. It may sound a little crazy, but it is what it is. After you obtain the job, you must work on your shortcomings and find a method.

(5) Some weaknesses are good but look bad cosmetically

There are a few weaknesses that are truly strengths but you overdo them, so they end up in the list, such as workaholic and oversensitive to some issues. Now, workaholic is beneficial to the organization in a unique way since you will create fantastic outcomes by immersing yourself in work. It may have an impact on your health, but the firm benefits from your efforts. Then you may become too sensitive to a certain issue. For example, you may be too sympathetic to your juniors who are suffering from their task. You engage them wholeheartedly and assist them. In that process, it is often difficult to find time for oneself. You may always be creative in coming up with unique things to say rather than stuffing the commonly accessible information on the internet. You must conceive of something new in your perspective and feel comfortable saying it.


After going through so many things, you may be asking how I can create a list with all of those requirements. So, after poring over numerous books and internet resources, I came up with some novel ideas. These are provided below.

(i) I am good at the concept but have poor factual knowledge

Some people have extremely good concepts but they are deficient in facts. It does create some problems. However, this is not a serious weakness and is pretty much fixable in the long run. I used to get bad grades in history classes in school, but now I can recall historical events quite readily since I read books about historical events by heart. I realized that when I read anything in the form of a tale, the material sticks with me.


(ii) Oversensitive

You might be too sensitive to anything, including the environment and animals. It does not negatively portray you, but rather highlights your concern about these issues.

(iii) Social smartness

We are often more or less introverted and shy. Overcoming shyness takes time and requires adequate social exposure, both of which are in short supply these days. Nowadays, most of us come from nuclear households with little social exposure, as opposed to joint homes with extended family members with colorful personalities.  As a result, we interact with fewer people and, as a result, our social intelligence does not develop as much as it could. That is why we are introverted and shy. These may be your shortcomings, but you may demonstrate to the board that you are taking adequate efforts to overcome them by participating in book clubs, bike clubs, and different social groups in your spare time.



Many individuals are extremely direct when talking and providing feedback. Some people are harmed as a result of this. People become social outcasts as a result of this behavior.

As a result, when expressing something, one should be diplomatic. This may be considered one of the vulnerabilities because it affects almost everyone. On the remedial side, you might point out your enrollment in numerous online classes that have helped you.

(v) Minor weaknesses

Some weaknesses are very minor and you can say it for sake of increasing the number in the list such as online video gaming, diet problem, etc. You like to play online video games and waste some time. Only your schedule is hampered as a result of this.


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