Saturday, February 12, 2022

Kaizen: Continuous improvement for students (Sunday Binge Reading: 08)



After World War II, Japan was a total mess. People had to work hard to rebuild the country after widespread devastation. They were setting up businesses again for a fresh start in the new world and were starting to experiment with various concepts while running the businesses to achieve high standards. Japanese people have been practising a technique called Kaizen since immemorable times. In simple words, it means continuous improvement. They put this concept to work, and it worked wonders. 

The concept is simple; you try to improve every day. For example, you have a factory that produces soaps, and you need to increase productivity and profitability in the existing setup. As the manager, you consult with various stakeholders, from the worker to the top management and ask for their suggestions. The suggestions that are worth taking are implemented quickly to optimize productivity. The process is continued until the whole process is fully optimized. A fully optimized factory will ensure the highest levels of productivity with a minimum level of wastage in raw material and loss in man-hours. 

Students can also adopt the Kaizen technique in their day to day life because they have to develop their employability skills. Communication skills & hard skills take time to develop, and one cannot do it overnight. So, one should take it in a piecemeal fashion during the course. Moreover, students have to appear technical rounds in job interviews, for which they have to prepare gradually. Otherwise, people feel low in confidence before any such interview. Sometimes, low confidence spoils an interview. 

Each & every day, we can learn something, and if we continue it for one whole year without stopping, we can do a lot. 

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