Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Trick Question in the Interviews


Interviews are tough these days. Even it is tough for the interviewers also. Some of the company relegates the hiring process to some private companies. They are under contract to deliver the best people to the firm. So, they try to check up on the candidates in every possible way. They use every trick in the trade to find out your personality. Often, people are shy, lack leadership qualities, and are by no means team players. They try to root out such candidates by asking various behavioral questions. Well, I have discussed in length behavioral questions in my previous post (check the link). I was having a chat with a friend recently. He was sharing with me his campus placement experience in college days. In one of the PSU interviews, they asked him what he would like to do after engineering after seeing his GATE scorecard. He quickly answered that he would love to join an excellent institute for higher study.


Later, when he checked the campus placement results, candidates having the slightest possibility had their names and not his. This disheartened him. Now, let us understand this incident. When some organization goes for hiring, it costs them money and time. If they recruit candidates who may leave the company soon, they tend to avoid them because nobody likes to redo the same redundant processes. These are companies for making a profit, not to employ the people for charity. They hire because they have a need. We should understand this. So, the question thrown to him was a trick question. These questions fall under behavioral questions. We should know how to counter them. The better way to counter the question may be, “Yes, sir; I have cleared GATE. It is a competitive exam, and I often like to appear for such exams to check my technical knowledge. But, I have always dreamt of working in your company since my college days because the company is engaged in machine learning/ hardcore mechanical engineering/ artificial intelligence as its core business. I am really interested in the field and looking forward to working in this area”. So, this is just an example. You can further make some modifications to the answer to suit your narration. The motive is to show that you are super excited to work in their company. If somebody is super excited, people also get excited. This happens in day-to-day life also. If somebody shares the same hobbies as yours, you like to associate with such people. The same psychology does play here also.  

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