Saturday, April 23, 2022

Diversification is wanted.


The state of Srilanka is very pathetic. It has an enormous debt to repay. Currently, the country is under financial emergency. While reading a piece of news on Sri Lanka’s economic crisis, one word struck my mind. The word is ‘diversification.’ Srilanka produced and exported a few commodities, which gave them foreign currency. Then, they borrowed heavily from China. Then the commodities prices went down, which they used to export, and there were no dollars in coffers to buy oil or anything. In school and college days, we read about diversification in books. Tata group is the best example of diversification. They have a lot of businesses, and all the companies do not do well all the time.

But, the high-performing ones keep the business house floating all the time. Good ones bail out the bad ones in simple. Now, in a student’s context, one can say that one has to diversify his skills so that one doesn’t get limited to one particular field. As a mechanical engineer, one cannot keep himself insulated from new concepts such as computer-aided designing, blockchain, automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, IoT, etc. These are not mere buzz words but maybe highly crucial for future growth as the world moves in this direction. We should learn a way to incorporate them. Moreover, a well-diversified student has a better chance of employment. Besides these verticals, one has to improve his social and communication skills and hone leadership qualities for better placement. I have seen that employers prefer candidates having these qualities.  

You can read B.Tech Guide Book & Campus Placement Guide Book by the author to support the blog 


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