Saturday, May 7, 2022

Twitter for Valuable Information ( Sunday Binge Reading: 11)

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Recently, Twitter was in news for its wild takeover by Mr. Elon Musk. It is a popular platform used by celebrities, politicians, and influencers to propagate their views. Then, the various organizations have started having their official account to inform news related to them on the microblogging site. It saves money and time for PR campaigns. 


While doing PR campaigns, the organizations give away a lot of information. Even if you read a newspaper dedicatedly, you may not find the news related to the organization of your interest. Suppose, you are interested in ‘Tata Motors’ for a job interview, you are to follow the Twitter account once you are selected in the first round and start following them.They may share valuable news regarding their future projects and expansion plans through various posts. The information can be used during the interviews to stress your point. The technique has helped many people. Apart from that, LinkedIn is also a platform dedicated to job seekers. The organizations and corporate people keep their presence on the platform. One should maintain a presence on LinkedIn. It has become very essential. 

You can read B.Tech Guide Book & Campus Placement Guide Book by the author to support the blog


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