Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Employment risks associated with 'StartUps'


 (Photo Source: www.pexels.com)

One wants to get work immediately after graduating from college or university. Currently, startups in different sectors are coming up. These are started by young people who want to make it huge. In recent years, India has witnessed numerous unicorns worth billions of dollars. They contribute to the Indian economy and provide a lot of jobs. Many startups in the technology sector can pay exorbitant salaries to attract the top personnel in the market. It may be an excellent opportunity for competent and talented students to receive a good wage directly after graduation. As the expression says, "every moon has two sides," and they, too, have two sides. Aspirants should be aware of the dangers connected with such startups. 


The startups are market disruptors. In general, startups have sprung out primarily in digital sectors, while other sectors are saturated with established companies, which is why we see so many app-based firms these days. Venture capitalists and individual investors fund them. During the early stages, the startups prioritize growth over anything else. As a result of private finance, these firms' presence could be seen everywhere. The global economy has slowed due to significant interest rate rises to combat hyperinflation in Europe and the United States. Slowly, word of a funding constraint in startups throughout the world has emerged. They have spent most of their time focusing on expansion rather than profitability. They are feeling the squeeze as the economy slows. Even in India, many startups are laying off staff. Venture investors are withdrawing their hands from startups. The condition may persist for years before the economy returns to its old self.


Even if startups have a bright future, one should be wary of the economic slump. As a result, while selecting a startup, one should use caution. If the startup is trying hard for profitability, this may be the time to abandon ship. On the other hand, developed businesses are significantly more robust in such situations and can withstand the tremendous strain. Working in such startups allows a recent graduate to take some chances while learning new skills. Once one has gained knowledge in his industry, it is prudent to seek out established organizations for a secure future. After graduating from college or university, most people want to acquire a job immediately. As an aspirant, one should know the dangers of such startups.

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