Wednesday, July 27, 2022

How to study?



Engineering college life is hectic. You have lots of theory classes & laboratories to attend. Apart from that, you are to prepare for various competitive exams. One must keep his mind and body fit to pass the semesters. One must do a few things to keep up with the pace.

(1) Attitude

In college, every day, you will be taught new things. At first, you may be overwhelmed with the pace of the things happening to you.You may struggle initially and need some time to adapt, but you should not at all stop at any phase generally, people who defy the odds and keep pushing things to win at last. There is a saying, "If you cannot run, you walk. If you cannot walk, you crawl". It should be the attitude. Your attitude towards everything will make a difference. If you want something wholeheartedly, you will get it because you will make all the sacrifices.


(2) Do not pile up

Every day is a new day. New things are taught. If you have the habit of piling up the items, it will be harsh on you because it will be a massive mountain at the end of the semester. It will be hard to lift before the exam. I watched a movie called "Manjhi" a few years ago. It is about a laborer who lost his wife as he could take her to hospital on time as his home was on the other side of the mountain. If there was a road through the hill, he could have quickly gone there, cutting short the traveling time. After failing to seek help from anyone, he decided that he would make a road through that mountain so that nobody had to go through such tragedy. He spent many years building the road. Ultimately he made it. He got his due recognition in the end. So, the students should try to cover things piecemeal (a small amount at a time) every week. Somebody may laugh at you while doing so, but it is okay. You can have your revenge on the day before the exam by chilling.

(3) Brain rules

The neuroscientist says that we can perform well in the exam if we place ourselves in the same situation and practice beforehand. This has to be proved. This is widely discussed in Jhon Medina's book called "Brain Rules ." If you want to perform well, you need to practice. Moreover, one should make good notes or collect them and then practice them to succeed. Some people may say, "Who does that?" I would say, "Everyone successful does that, but they never tell you the truth because they do not want you to know the secret." 

(4) Layering

During my school days, I developed a technique called layering. While studying, I used to apply it to theoretical subjects. Suppose you have forty pages to remember, then I start reading one page on the first day. On the 2nd day, I increase no of pages apart from covering the last page. It is continued until; I am not able to move ahead. Then, it is stopped, and I move on to the remaining part. Later on, in my post-graduation days, I used to read one topic at least six times. I believed that I was following the six sigma level of quality control. This technique is suitable for only theoretical subjects. In mathematical topics, you must frequently check the derivation taught in class. Moreover, one should not limit oneself to class notes only. You have to solve an ample amount of problems to be sure.

 (5) There is no shortcut

Life is easy, but we make it difficult. In the semester system, you must finish what you must spend in six months. You may think I need to pass this semester only , but these things come again in the guise of a competitive exam. One has to fill his "Ghara of Knowledge ." There is no escape. You can postpone it, but you will make it prolonged. I feel that we generally do not crack any exams if that "Ghara" is not filled. It happened with us, and it will happen to you also. So, one has to be smart with his choices in college life and do hard work to maximize the potentiality of a job. 

If you like the post, you can read B.Tech Guide Book & Campus Placement Guide Book by the author to support the blog.  B.Tech Guide Book will be free in Kindle format



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