Thursday, September 29, 2022

Law of attraction


Do you remember the film called “Om shanty om” . There was this dialogue by Sharukh Khan saying “Agar kisi cheez ko dil se chaaho to puri kayanat usey tumse milane ki koshish mein lag jaati hai”. The dialogue stuck to my mind. If you want it something by heart, you will get it. People in west call it the law of attraction. They have written hundreds of books on law of attraction. If you practice law of attraction, you can achieve anything.

Now, when I think of law of attraction, I can cite many examples. In my last days of college, I did not prepare for campus placement in the early days. By the end of 7th semester, when everyone got placed or had a future plan, I had nothing. Suddenly, I woke to my senses. What was the next? Then, I thought that I should at least go for higher education. I tried for a couple of engineering colleges & a central university. Finally, I got a seat in a central university. When my aim was clear, I started preparing for the entrance exams. The law of attraction does seem to be at working here. When you want something badly from your heart, you will start working in that direction. The result of hard work is always sweeter.

In engineering life, you can apply law of attraction successfully. One has to be clear about his aim and should devote to the success of the cause. The good things will happen. It happens with everyone and will happen with you too. 

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