Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Skills Required to be Industry Ready



Every company has to do some CSR activity. It saves their tax paid to the Government and also generates goodwill about the company among the masses. TCS, one of the oldest Indian IT companies, has launched such a CSR program. On 16 Aug 2016, company representatives invited people in the field of training and placement to the North East India division. They are going to groom young graduates. Currently, engineering & non-engineering are lacking in many areas, such as soft skills & technical skills. The mission is to make industry-ready students. 

TCS is going to groom students effectively. They are trying to reach economically weaker students primarily by this drive. Many former students have undergone this program on weekends and got the best results. But one needs the dedication to complete the internship. Generally, fresh students face the problem of having nothing to write. It could be a great plus point.

The company representatives kept enquiring about the visiting companies and the placement percentage. Further discussions led to the skills which help in recruitment. We kept gauging their minds by putting various skills such as computer-aided design and coding skills in python, c, java, etc. The companies seem to be trying to imbibe design and analytical thinking in students. It is true also. The future is going to be digital. Anything that can be made digital will be digitized. The Government of India is looking IT sector as the probable cash cow in the future. It is true also because India controls 90% of the World’s market. It is going to be a huge thing. Many Mechanical engineering, Civil engineering students, etc., become jumpy whenever they hear coding. One has to take some exposure in this field because the World is going in the direction of virtual designs & simulation before developing a prototype. It needs analytical and coding skills to some extent. Moreover, students will be greatly benefited from the coding and design skills. We must embrace the new and try to find a way to blend in the recent World where manual machines are being replaced by intelligent robots and reality is virtual reality. 

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