Monday, September 19, 2022

Non conventional apporach to do your engineering degree in 2022 !!!

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Students studying in tier 2 & 3 engineering colleges always lament that they fail to get into IITs & NITs in India. One should try to get into IITs & NITs. There is no doubt that one should not stick with that for good. One has to move on because life has more significant challenges. Once a student gets into an engineering college, they should dedicate themselves fully and have a fresh start forgetting the past.

Now a day, every branch has become saturated in terms of employment. The trend will continue for  some time. Therefore, a student should focus on learning the concepts of every subject because the exams will become very difficult. It will be more of an elimination type. Those who have studied for the sake of passing will find it difficult. Now, if we observe a subject, there are only 20-30 complex conceptual questions which can be mastered by practice.

Apart from the conventional approach, one has to incorporate non-conventional ways also. These could be carefully building the profile stressing areas such as communication, leadership, teamwork, developing expertise in new technologies, etc. These will give a new edge. Besides, networking via LinkedIn or any other social media is also vital. Furthermore, these platforms can showcase one’s talent in new-age technologies. Now a day, the concept of visibility is coming. You may be an expert in your field, but you must be visible before the masses. That is why the idea of “Show your work” is coming up. You are to keep yourself visible by doing something; however, it may be small. In that case, you can share your mini & significant project updates. If you are pursuing some courses, share exciting snippets for more visibility.

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